Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Class 10 - Showing What You Know

EQ - How do I use the Research Task Pane in MS Word?
  1. Quick Fire Challenge - Intéressant o interesante?
  2. Intro to the Research Task Pane (Alt + Click on a word)
  3. Example (128-129)
  4. Activity Directions
    1. Choose 1 topic from the board
    2. With your partner - Compose a paragraph that explains what you already know about your selected topic.
    3. Individually - Return to your seat and key the paragraph into MS Word
    4. Use the Research Task Pane (Remember to input bibiliographical information) to expand upon your writing.  (At least 5 paragraphs)
    5. Format your writing according to MLA Guidelines
    6. Change your document properties.
    7. Check the Spelling/Grammar/Readability Statistics
    8. Print and share with your Partner
    9. Partner's will add comments and make corrections.

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