Monday, March 28, 2011

Advanced Tables

EQ - How do I use the sort command in a table?
  1. Demonstration
  2. Table Packet
  3. Lunch/Community Reading
EQ - How do I create my own table style?
  1. Intro to Creating Table Style
  2. Develop your own personal styles for each table

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Advanced Tables Part 2

EQ - What are some advanced features that can enhance Word tables?
  1. Quiz - Tables
  2. Other mathematical formulas in Word Tables
  3. Try It
  4. Lunch/Community Reading
  5. Table Sort - Practice
  6. Putting It Together - Table Packet

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Advanced Tables

EQ - What are some advanced features that can enhance Word tables?
  1. Resume Contest
  2. Community Reading
  3. Lunch
  4. Foldable
  5. Page 173
  6. Focus on the Process
  7. Styles
  8. Resize/Autofit
  9. Read This & Complete the steps
  10. Summarize on a 1/2 sheet

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Power Words

The following link is published by CareerOwl.  It contains Power Words that enhance your accomplishments.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 14 - Chapter 3

EQ – How do I use Word to format a Cover Letter and a Résumé?

  1. Ask students what they know about getting a job? (Specific document requirements)
  2. Students should read pages 146-149
  3. Please write the General Project Guidelines on the board
    1. Design a Creative Letterhead
    2. Compose an Effective Cover Letter
    3. Craft a Successful Résumé
  4. Students should complete as much of Chapter 3 as they can (pages 149-204).  They should take their time to ensure they are following all directions.
  5. Students should save their files appropriately in their student folders.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Test Prep

EQ - What areas of Chapter 2 will I need to review to be successful on an assessment?
  1. Finish Report Draft
  2. Lunch/Community Reading
  3. Review Document Properties
  4. Trade Seats with a Partner and Edit the Report (Track Changes)
  5. Finalize Report
  6. Review Games
  7. Assessment Next Class

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Class 10 - Showing What You Know

EQ - How do I use the Research Task Pane in MS Word?
  1. Quick Fire Challenge - Intéressant o interesante?
  2. Intro to the Research Task Pane (Alt + Click on a word)
  3. Example (128-129)
  4. Activity Directions
    1. Choose 1 topic from the board
    2. With your partner - Compose a paragraph that explains what you already know about your selected topic.
    3. Individually - Return to your seat and key the paragraph into MS Word
    4. Use the Research Task Pane (Remember to input bibiliographical information) to expand upon your writing.  (At least 5 paragraphs)
    5. Format your writing according to MLA Guidelines
    6. Change your document properties.
    7. Check the Spelling/Grammar/Readability Statistics
    8. Print and share with your Partner
    9. Partner's will add comments and make corrections.