Thursday, August 28, 2014

Logical Approach to Word

EQ - How can I use logic to troubleshoot MS Word?
  1. Activator – Do Now
  2. Explanation of pretest 
  3. Pretest (timed writing)
  4. Guided Practice – Print Instructions
  5. AP – Print Pretest
  6. TPS Splashdown – List all the parts of the Word Screen
  7. Collaborative Pairs – Review Word Screen (handout)
  8. AP – Parts of the Word Screen Quiz
  9. Ribbon Focus – Introducing a Logical Approach to Word
    1. What is logic?
    2. How does thinking logically help people solve problems?
    3. Has anyone ever heard of the term Troubleshoot(ing)?  Where? What?
    4. Modeling/Guided Practice - Pattern identification (Home Tab)
    5. Distribute Graphic Organizer – Fill out logical approach to the Home Tab
    6. Collaborative Pairs – Insert Tab
    7. AP – Class Review
    8. Collaborative Pairs – Design, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, View tabs
    9. AP – Teacher Observation
    10. Summarizer/Debriefing - Class Review
  10. TOD – ½ sheet questionnaire: How do you think a logical approach will help you troubleshoot when using MS Word?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Welcome to Word

EQ - How do I begin using MS Word
  1. Activator - Teacher & Student Introductions
  2. Syllabus Review
  3. AP – Check mark, Question mark, Star
    1. Students list the items they feel like they already know, items that concern them, and items they are excited to learn/do
  4. Classroom Policies & Procedures
  5. Assignment of Laptops
    1. Alphabetical Order
    2. Log In -> Wait for further instructions
  6. Use Impero to project Word on to all student laptops
  7. Graphic Organizer – Parts of the Word Screen
  8. Review parts of Word Screen -> Label on the white board
  9. AP – TPS: Practice Parts Quiz (1/2 sheet of paper)
  10. PPT w/ Graphic Organizer
    1. 5 ways to open MS Word
    2. Saving & File Management
  11. AP – Project 1
    1. Open a new Word document
    2. Save File As in student account
    3. Key a response – Introduction Survey “Tell Me About Yourself”
    4. Save As "Project 1" in your newly created Word folder
  12. TOD – Muddy Points (explain purpose of MP)